Category Archives: guerilla gardening

The Pothole Gardener- Steve Wheen

What I love about gardening on the balcony of a 13th floor apartment is that
 it changes my persepective about so many things…. gardens, food, cities, insects, my place on this finite planet.
But while I’ve looked ‘up’ for inspiration, British Aussie expat Steve Wheen has looked down. Down into all those little cracks in the footpath, in the road and in the gutters. This is where he gardens.
And how wondrous are his creations.

 Steve is not the first practitioner of ‘guerilla gardening’ but with the additions of his miniature props, his pot-hole gardens are grabbing attention around the world.

 From London, to India to the recent Milan Design Week, Steve’s garden creations caused quite a stir.

They show us what is possible.

even amongst the grey urban landscape
(all photos courtesy of