Category Archives: Nelligan

Nelligen Gallery Bed and Breakfast – A Must Stay

How about this for a bath with a view?
Refreshed and relaxed we continue our south coast sojourn 140 kms south to Batemans Bay.  I love getting on the road particularly in summer. The changing landscapes, the little sleepy towns, the road-side bakeries and delis, the secluded swimming coves,the sun-kissed kids splashing in the waves or burying each other in the sand. To me there is nothing like this open road freedom.
I couldn’t find any accommodation in Batemans Bay since our plans were rather last-minute and impulsive. The only place that sounded suitable was in the small historic village of Nelligen just 10 kms north west. The website had vague descriptions and grainy photos so we had no idea what to expect when we arrived at the cottage at lunch time. Were we in for a pleasant shock…
From the road the cottage looked less than inspiring … welcoming but non-descript and quaint.
We have the whole place to ourselves since the cottage no longer operates as a bed and breakfast.To get to the section we were staying in you need to walk through the original front rooms which used to house an art gallery and at one stage a village watch-house.
As we turn into the new extension and the main lounge area we suddenly understand why this place is so special.
A full-frame view of the majestic Clyde River and the surrounding national park
The Clyde River is the last non-damed river on the Eastern Seaboard.
It’s famous for its clean waters and thriving oyster industry.
The kitchen is a cook’s paradise… all the mod cons and utensils to create wonderful meals
I particularly loved the polished jarrah benchtops
Even the kitchen has a river view
a lovely deck table for an evening supper
Upstairs is where that view really leaves you breathless
No excuses needed to sleep in. The main bedroom has a lovely comfortable bed where you can soak in
that vista
In fact why get up at all?
….to bathe like a movie star perhaps?…
..or eat  homemade pizza scattered with fresh, sweet Crystal Bay prawns and basil
Mark found the pizza very morish!
And for breakfast farm fresh eggs, tomato and basil
Nelligen is now popular with water skiers and houseboaters. With its own pub and pool table what else do you need to kick back and enjoy your summer break?